A random variable can be discrete if it has:

  • a finite number of values; or
  • an infinite but countable number of values.

A discrete probability distribution, therefore, is the probabity distribution of a discrete random variable (one that has a finite number of values). Two common distributions include the:

  • binomial distribution; and
  • Poisson distribution.

Binomial distribution

A binomial distribution is only valid if four conditions are met (2pin):

  • Each trial of the experiment must result in only two (2) outcomes (e.g., yes or no; success or failure).
  • The probability (p) of a successful outcome is constant for each trial.
  • The trials are independent (i) of one another — i.e., the result of one trial does not affect another.
  • There are a finite number (n) of trials in the experiment.

In an experiment of independent trials,

  • is the probability of a successful outcome; and
  • is the random variable.

The notation to describe a binomial distribution is:

Provided a binomial distribution, the probability when is denoted by the following formula:

(where )

The expected value or mean of the distribution is denoted by the following:

The variance can be calculated by the following:

Poisson distribution

A Poisson distribution is only valid if four conditions are met:

  • The event must occur randomly.
  • The probability an event will occur in a certain time interval is proportional to the size of the interval.
  • The number of events occurring in a unit of time is independent of the number of events that occur in other units of time.
  • In a very small interval, the probability that two or more events will occur tends to zero.

A distribution that describes the number of times an event will occur randomly in:

  • a given interval of time; or
  • a given space (e.g., area, volume, weight, distance).

The notation to describe a Poisson distribution is:

(where is any number more than zero, often the average for the given time)

Provided a Poisson distribution, the probability when is denoted by the following formula:

The expected value or mean of the distribution is . The variance of the distribution is .

Poisson approximation from binomial distribution

When a binomial distribution has a high number of independent trails () and a low probability (), we can approximate the binomial distribution into a Poisson distribution.

Expressed mathematically, when ,