The method of transmitting data through physical means. Is ubiquitous even in today’s world, owing to their performance in transmitting data compared to wireless transmission media.

The two common types of wired transmission medium include:

Optical fibre cables

Often used in LANs and especially used in cases where electromagnetic interference is an issue. A more modern format compared to twisted pair cables, offering better bandwidth, transmission distance, and resistance as well as lower maintenance.

There are two types of optical fibre cables:

  • single-mode optical fibre, in which a laser light source is used for transmission; and
  • multimode optical fibre, in which an LED light source is used for transmission.

There are different kinds of connectors that optical fibre cables can use. Some popular ones include the:

  • ST connector, often used for multimode fibre;
  • SC connector, often used for single-mode fibre; and
  • LC conected, often highly favoured for single-mode fibre.

Optical fibre cables are fragile as they contain glass. Should the cables bend, the network can fail entirely.


There are a few things to note when considering which type of wired transmission medium to use. You may consider the:

  • possibility of interference, where:
    • optical fibre cables are immune to electromagnetic induction;
    • STP cables are protected, but not immune, from interference by shielding with a metallic screen; and
    • UTP are susceptible to interference;
  • difficulty of installation, where:
    • optical fibre cables are difficult to install as they are fragile and require mechanical protection (e.g., plastic sleeves, steel armour); and
    • STP cables are thick and less flexible than UTP cables;
  • safety, where:
    • electric current flowing through copper cables (i.e., twisted pair cables) can pose shock and fire hazards and cause sparks;
  • maintenance, where:
    • optical fibre cables can last for a long time; while
    • copper cables deteriorate over time.