A framework for organising the set of communication protocols used in the internet and similar networks. Also commonly known as the TCP/IP protocol suite.

The suite is somewhat similar to, but is not necessarily the same, as the OSI model. Originally has four layers in total, namely the:

  1. network interface layer, including data link and physical interfaces (e.g., Ethernet and wireless LAN);
  2. internet layer, including interfaces that connect to the internet (e.g., the IP);
  3. transport layer, including interfaces responsible for transport (e.g., |TCP, UDP, and port numbers); and
  4. application layer, includding applications that use the internet (e.g., HTTP, DHCP, DNS and FTP).

Modern implementations of the TCP/IP protocol suite extends the model to include one more layer, the physical layer, and amends existing layers. The modern suite has five layers in total, namely the:

  1. physical layer, including how data is physically transmitted (e.g., UTP cables, optical fibre cables and radio frequencies);
  2. data link layer, including the interfaces transmitting data (e.g., Ethernet and wireless LAN);
  3. internet layer;
  4. |transport layer; and
  5. application layer.